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  • Constitution | poodle-club

    The Poodle Club of QLD Inc. is affiliated with the National Breed controlling body Dogs Australia -' in turn part of the State controlling body "Dogs Queensland" as a not for profit organisation we are bound by the governing bodies to uphold a standard of excellence within our breed club. The club constitution is currently being updated . The old version is attached above for viewing in its current form. All members ne ed to be aware of the importance of upholding a standard as a member and while breeding, dealing with the public when selling a poodle and while showing or competing at various events.

  • Pet Parade Entry registration 2025 | poodle-club

    Poodle Club Open Show PET POODLE PARADE Welcome all poodles to come along to a special event and join in with the festivities at the upcoming Poodle Club of QLD Inc. Open shows. Join in the parade to show off your best collar and lead, preened coat and have your owner dress up and pop on their fancy hat. WHEN: Sunday 9th March 2025 TIME 11.30am WHERE: Dogs QLD sports Grounds King Avenue Durack (opposite Durack Tavern) COST: $2 per dog entered Lots of fun on the day meet breeders and their poodles of all sizes and colours! Enquires: Club Secretary Paula - PRE REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL - complete form below Poodle Pet Parade First Name Last Name Email Phone Names of poodles attending and size Register Thanks for registering to our event. See you there!

  • Club information | poodle-club

    EVENTS 2025 UPCOMING 2025 OPEN shows x 2 9th March 2025 Durack Dog Sports grounds King Avenue . Pet Parade at open show 9/3/25 Poodles in the Park South Side Meadowbrook Date 10/05/2025 Club Championship show August 10th 2025 (International judge) Up Coming Events Club Meetings Meeting Dates and Meeting venue to be advised: ALL MEETINGS USUALLY 7.00pm start NEXT Meeting Next General meeting 11th February 2025 7pm commence via ZOOM link will be emailed 13.12.22 Christmas Party Christmas Party 2025 /2026 Will be advised closer to the time for venue and date. Please contact Paula Morgan if you would like to attend.

  • Welcome to the club | poodle-club

    Welcome to the Poodle Club of Qld Inc website The committee would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a warm welcome and hope the site is useful for you, if you would like more information on our club, please contact our Hon. Secretary on the email address below. HISTORY of the Queensland Club - The Poodle Club of Queensland Inc. is a not for profit organisation founded in 1968. The Poodle Club is affiliated with Dogs QLD which is a member of the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC). The ANKC (Dogs Australia) is the leading body for pure bred dog organisations in Australia. The Club is also a founding member of the National Poodle Council which operates under the auspices of the ANKC. The Poodle Club of Queensland Inc. represents all three varieties of the breed. These are differentiated by recommended size (not by colour) and are: Standard Poodles: 38cm (15 inches) and over at the shoulder Miniature Poodles: under 38cm but not under 28cm (11 inches) at the shoulder Toy Poodles: under 28cm (11 inches) at the shoulder The club had its 50th Anniversary of inception in 2018, celebrating with a invitational speciality Championship show presided over by Mr Jack MacGillivary a poodle specialist judge from the USA, it was well attended, enjoyed by all, some photo's from the event will be added to our website. There has been several prominent founding club members in the early beginnings and throughout the years who initially came together sharing their love of poodles and enjoyment of breeding and showing the three varieties, Standards, Miniature and Toy poodles. Profiles of some of our early foundation members will be added to the history pages in due course. The club in honouring their memories have introduced specific awards, one is the Etta Hawkswood Annual Pointscore Trophy, another is the Patricia Hogg memorial achievement award, and the newly introduced Sylvia Everest Poodle versatility award. The club holds 2 open shows in March, a Champion show in July and 2 pet poodle fun days annually one in May on the Southside and one in September on the Northside. We offer both pet and show membership, encourage pet owners to become Dogs QLD affiliates so they can have an active role on the club committee. There is a rescue and rehome service provided and also invite any poodle owners or intended owners to contact any of the members or committee for assistance in sourcing a poodle or if experiencing any issues with your poodle. There is a club newsletter sent out 2nd monthly via email or post to all financial members, or to those who are sponsors, or who would like to subscribe to receive one if they place an advertisement for any puppies or dog related items.

  • Show Results | poodle-club

    Members Show Results Download File Download File Open Show1 12.3.2023 Open Show 2 12.3.2023 Club Champ show ! 7.07.2024 Club Champ Show 2 7.07.2024 Champion show results 07.7.2024 Star Billing Results Ch Bienaime Lil Divine Diva Tk.S Tk.N. has now successfully completed the 5 requied challenge certificates to qualify for her Trick Dog Novice Title 7.3.23 Ch BRILLIANTE ARISTKA BALETA (Amadeaus) had a successful show day23.4.23 with owner Margaret Carr, winning runner up in group and open class in group.

  • Membership application | poodle-club

    Membership Application If you would like to apply to join the Poodle Club of QLD please click on the logo below which will drop down a form to your computer, complete this form and return by email to the secretary. You will be contacted and your form will be presented for consideration at the next club general meeting. If application approved you will be contacted and ONLY then be requested to pay the joining fee.

  • Copy of CLUB AWARDS WINNERS 2021 | poodle-club

    POODLE CLUB AWARD WINNERS 2022 Etta Hawkswood Memorial 2022 Pointscore Winners Baby Puppy Bitch - Adithe Cha Sorpraysa Variety - TOY Owner - J. McRobie Minor Puppy - Bienaime Quiet Achiever Variety - Miniature Owner - S & L Darling Puppy - Ziada Walk Right Back Variety - Toy Owner - D & J Craig Adult - Ch Adithe Youre My World Variety - TOY Owner - J. McRobie Adult - Ch Morpaudl Dezigned N Zilva Variety - MINIATURE Owner - P. Morgan Adult - Ch. Evoluer Fireworks Variety - STANDARD Owner - K. Flouskos / M. Mason Sylvia Everest Memorial Versatile Poodle Award For members who participate in any sports with their Poodles. 2022 Winner Julie Sponberg Exhibitor Trick Trial Miniature Poodle - Ploom Professor Jones Tk. S. Tk N. Trish Hogg Memorial Conformation Award Neuter Division - Sandy Darling Owner/ Breeder/ Exhibitor Miniature Poodle 114 points Neut Ch/Ch Bienaime Glorfindel CCD:RA Open Division - Judith McRobie Owner / Breeder/ Exhibitor Toy Poodle 99 points Ch. Adithe Youre My World

  • Copy of About poodles | poodle-club

    Toy Poodle Miniature Poodle Standard Poodle

  • Breeders | poodle-club

    Breeders Directory Please find below listings of Poodle Breeders within our Club. If you wish to know more information please contact the Club Secretary and she will let you know of Breeders that have puppies available. Standard Poodles * Karyn McCarron (NSW) P: 0458158460 E: colour: Black White Prefix: Brilliante PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW * Merryl Yet Foy (NSW) Ph: 0417480332 E: Colours Black Prefix LOANA PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW Miniature Poodles Di & Jenny Craig (QLD) Di M: 0429 304 405 Jenny M: 0438 763 748 Di E: ziada.poodles Jenny E: Colours: Black, Brown Prefix: ZIADA DAF No: 401118874 PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW Sandy Darling (QLD) P: 0738055924 E: Colours: Black, Brown, Silver Prefix: BIENAIME Paula Morgan (QLD) Ph. 0414501707 E. Colours Silver, White Prefix Morpaudl Toni Drews (QLD) M 0416207116 E Colour Black Brown Prefix Tonki DAF 002898350 Toy Poodles Debbie Randall (QLD) M: 0409 409 455 E: W: Colours: Black, Brown Prefix: SILKYELK DAF No: 4100023982 PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW Judith McRobie (QLD) M: 0414 707 475 E: Colours: Black, Brown Prefix: ADITHE DAF No: 4004462080 PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW Di & Jenny Craig (QLD) Di M: 0429 304 405 Jenny M: 0438 763 748 Di E: Jenny E: Colours: Black, Brown Prefix: ZIADA DAF No: 401118874 PUPPIES AVAILABLE NOW Rhonda Brumby (QLD ) M 0406303543 E Colours: Black, Brown Prefix: EVOQUE DAF No: 4100149803

  • All About Poodles | poodle-club


  • Groomers | poodle-club

    Groomers List Lynda Buckland (Pet only) Byanda Aspley M: 0401 485 141 E: Paula Morgan (Pet ONLY ) Bracken Ridge Pooch Place Grooming M: 0414501707 E: Margaret Carr (Pet Only) Alderley Cool Clips M 040644130

  • Champ show photos 2021 | poodle-club

    Champion Show Photo's 2021 Ch. Ziada Legendary Reign Owner J. Craig Winner Best Toy of Variety Sash donated by Toy Poodle Club of Victoria Ch. Morpaudl Dezigned N Zilva - Miniature Bitch Owner -P Morgan Winner Bred by Exhibitor in Show Neut Ch. Argenoir Lord of the Dance -Neut Toy Owner - A. Scott Winner Neuter in Show Ziada Dangerous Diamond -Miniature Bitch Owner D. Craig Winner Junior in Show Silkyelk Back In Time -Toy Dog Owner -D Randall Winner Baby in Show

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